Plume-plasma et jet-plasma
Parce qu’elle permet la mesure de champ fort, continu (CW) ou transitoire avec une sonde ultra-compacte intégralement diélectrique et non perturbative, la solution KAPTEOS répond aux besoins de caractérisation de champ électrique au sein de jet-plasma, de plume-plasma y compris générés par des lasers ultra intenses (PW).
KAPTEOS a réalisé de nombreux systèmes et études pour le compte de ses clients : cartographie de champ électrique au sein de jets de plasma, mesure d'impulsions électromagnétiques monocoups intenses générées par interaction laser / plasma, mesure d’atténuation du champ électrique généré par jet plasma au sein de tissus biologiques.
Découvrir une vidéo applicative
Retrouvez ici une vidéo applicative de la technologie KAPTEOS permettant la mesure de décharge à barrière diélectrique.
Etudes de cas
Ils utilisent la technologie KAPTEOS pour leur R&D
Liste des publications
"Cold Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet Operated in Ar and He: From Basic Plasma Properties to Vacuum Ultraviolet, Electric Field and Safety Thresholds Measurements in Plasma Medicine"
University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iasi (RO)
Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology, Greifswald (DE)
Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology, Karlsburg (DE)
"Non-linear optics and plasmas: Electric field characterization and Terahertz generation"
Farah ALJAMMAL Ph.D. Thesis
IMEP-LAHC, Le Bourget-du-Lac (FR)
"Laser produced electromagnetic pulses: generation, detection and mitigation"
High Power Laser Science and Engineering
ENEA, Frascati (IT)
CELIA, Talence (FR)
ELI Beamlines, Dolnı́ Břežany (CZ)
CESTA, Le Barp (FR)
York Plasma Institute, York (UK)
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Oxfordshire (UK)
Czech Technical University, Prague (CZ)
Institute of Plasma Physics, Prague (CZ)
Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Dresden (DE)
AWE plc, Berkshire (UK)
Clarendon Laboratory, Oxford (UK)
Blackett Laboratory, London (UK)
Centro de Laseres Pulsados, Salamanca (ES)
Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics, Beijing (CN)
School of Physical Sciences, Beijing (CN)
SUPA, Glasgow (UK)
PIIM, Marseille (FR)
Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion, Warsaw (PL)
GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt (DE)
"Sources and space–time distribution of the electromagnetic pulses in experiments on inertial confinement fusion and laser–plasma acceleration "
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A
ENEA, Frascati (IT)
Institute of Physics, Prague (CZ)
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Oxfordshire (UK)
AWE plc, Berkshire (UK)
SUPA, Glasgow (UK)
University of Rome, Rome (IT)
INRS-EMT, Varennes (CA)
Blackett Laboratory, London (UK)
CELIA, Talence (FR)
ELI Beamlines, Dolnı́ Břežany (CZ)
"Acceleration of Plasma Bullets by Grooved Dielectric Rod"
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science
University of Mazandaran, Babolsar (IR)
"Mapping the electric field vector of guided ionization waves at atmospheric pressure"
GREMI, Orléans (FR)
"Electromagnetic Compatibility of a Railgun Implemented on a Warship"
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science
ISL, Saint-Louis (FR)
"Penetration of Ar and He RF-driven plasma jets into micrometer-sized capillary tubes"
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis (US)
State Key Laboratory of Electrical Insulation and Power Equipment, Xi’an (CN)
"The kINPen—a review on physics and chemistry of the atmospheric pressure plasma jet and its applications"
INP, Greifswald (DE)
Princeton University, Princeton (US)
"Analysis of conductive target influence in plasma jet experiments through helium metastable and electric field measurements"
Plasma Sources Science and Technology
GREMI, Orléans (FR)
LPGP, Orsay (FR)
"Electric field measurement in the dielectric tube of helium atmospheric pressure plasma jet"
Faculty of Belgrade, Belgrade (RS)
LPP, Palaiseau (FR)
EPG, Eindhoven (NL)
"Numerical and experimental study of the dynamics of a μs helium plasma gun discharge with various amounts of N2 Admixture"
Plasma Sources Science and Technology
LPP, Palaiseau (FR)
GREMI, Orléans (FR)
CERFACS, Toulouse (FR)
"Time-resolved absolute measurements by electro-optic effect of giant electromagnetic pulses due to laser-plasma interaction in nanosecond regime"
ENEA, Frascati (IT)
University of Rome, Rome (IT)
"New insights on the propagation of pulsed atmospheric plasma streams: From single jet to multi jet arrays"
GREMI, Orléans (FR)
"Single Shot and Vectorial Characterization of Intense Electric Field in Various Environments With Pigtailed Electrooptic Probe"
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science
IMEP-LAHC, Le Bourget-du-Lac (FR)
University of Québec, Chocoutimi (CA)
"A Non perturbative Electrooptic Sensor for In Situ Electric Discharge Characterization"
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science
IMEP-LAHC, Le Bourget-du-Lac (FR)